5 out of 5 stars
*All Time Favorite Book List*
I will admit I had been a little hesitant to read this book for a couple of reasons. First of all, Romantic Suspense has never been my favorite genre, and secondly although I am a sucker for a dark, brooding hero, I wasn't exactly sure what I would think of the Uber-Alpha Bastien.
All I can say is, i am so glad I decided to give this book a shot after all, because it ended up being one of the most enjoyable reading experiences I have had in quite some time.
The storyline itself grabbed me right away. There was just the right amount of tension and action to keep me glued to my chair for most of the day. I simply could not put this book down, which has been rare for me lately.
Now, as for Bastien. *sigh* Where do I even begin. I think everyone who has read this will agree with me, that the man that appears at the beginning of this book, is not the same man we are left with at the end. And his journey into becoming that man, was wonderful to experience. In many ways, Bastien will always be just as cold and aloof as he ever was. He's still the tough as nails mercenary. But by the end of the book, he has allowed a small part of himself to come alive because of his love for Chloe. The later scenes between the two characters are both heartbreaking and incredibly beautiful. I never expected that this book would make me cry, but the scene at the airport, did just that.
Thoroughly entertaining, suspenseful, passionate and just plain well-written, Black Ice will now have a permanent place on my Keepers shelf.