My rating: 3 of 5 stars
3 WTF-happened-to-my-Nathan stars
*WARNING: disappointed fangirl rant ahead**
K.I. Lynn, what did you do?!? I am seriously at a loss right now after finishing this book this afternoon. As my glowing reviews for the first book in this series, Breach (and it's companion novella Dissolution) have shown, I am an unapologetic Nathan fangirl. Yes he might have come across as manic and overly possessive, but I was on board the Nasty Nathan train. FULLY on board! And going into this book i had the feeling that his...intensity...might be dialed back considering the events at the end of Breach. However....the Nathan that is present in Infraction bares little resemblance to the uber-alpha male that I fell for in the first book.
Some may argue that seeing a softer side of Nathan was a good thing. And while I agree that he needed to do some major groveling to win back Lila (and by the way, I have issues with her in this book as well, which I will get to in a minute), but...but...what happened?! There is a running joke in this book about Nathan getting a lobotomy, and frankly...that sounds about right.
Nathan went from being the take-no-prisoners, slightly crazed Alpha male with the filthy mouth, to being...sensitive? Romantic? He calls Lila "Honeybear" for fuck's sake! HONEYBEAR?!? Seriously??! (okay, maybe once or twice Honeybear was kinda cute...but, I'm on a roll here, people!)
Speaking of Lila. She needed a swift kick to the girly bits in this book. I understand her issues. I do. And yes, Nathan made some mistakes, but...
.....to refuse to go back to him until he declared that he loved HER more than he ever loved HIS DEAD WIFE?!?!? That is wrong on just about every fucking level there is. Period.
Okay...okay....the book had it's moments. There were a couple of glimpses of the old Nathan and his dirty mouth, but by the time those scenes happened, I already felt like I was reading another series. The shift in how the characters acted in this book was HUGE. And I couldn't force myself to get past it.
*dramatic sigh*
There will be a book 3. So, I haven't lost hope of a rebound for the series. I just hope that Lynn finds a better way of mixing the hard and the soft together next time.
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