My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Second Chance Stars!!
This just goes to show that just because you originally can't get into a book the first time you pick it up, doesn't mean it won't end up knocking your socks off in the future.
I attempted to read this one quite a while ago, and just couldn't connect with the story or the characters. So it ended up on my DNF shelf. Fast forward to a few days ago, and yours truly in yet another horrendous reading slump and i just decided to give it one more shot before deleting it off my Kindle for good.
And i am SO GLAD I decided to give this another shot, because it ended up being one of the most entertaining reading experiences I have had in a long time.
Anyone who reads my reviews, or just knows what my reading preferences are....knows i am not a fan of needless angst and melodrama. One of my major pet peeves is when i'm reading a story and it is obvious that the author decided to either lengthen the story or to just try and make it more interesting by throwing in one crisis after another for the H/h. A vindictive ex, meddling parents, or just a long string of ridiculous misunderstandings that manage to keep the couple apart until the very end of the book. I'm all for an emotional story, but when obstacle after obstacle magically pop up like christmas lights down main street, it gets to be rather frustrating. And i read to escape the frustrations of my daily life. So, when I find a book that is sweet, romantic, funny, steamy AND blessedly Over-The-Top-Angst free...i am a happy girl.

I've always been a sucker for a good Rocker Romance. The problem is that there are so many of them out there now, that it all feels like the same story. But Lick really does stand out from the pack. Call it insta-love if you want, but I loved the way David was all in right from the beginning. He knew after spending one night with Evelyn that she was the one. And instead of having "buyers remorse" the morning after spontaneously getting married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas, David wants to try and make it work. Even when he realizes that Ev doesn't remember the obviously special night the two of them shared (as blurred by alcohol as it was).
Kylie Scott took what on the surface seems like an overly wacky plot, and injected so much humor and emotion and just plain FEELS into it, that i couldn't help but be swept away by it. David and Ev are perfect together, and even though they have issues to deal with...they always know that regardless of how odd the circumstances of their coming together were, that there is a real connection and real feelings between them. And i loved that it didn't take until the very end of the book for the two of them to accept that.
I am currently reading book 2 of this series (Play...Mal is such a sexy goofball) and I am, so far, enjoying it just as much as the first. I'm definitely going to give books i have given up in the past a second shot after this experience.

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