3 out 5 stars
I have been spoiled by Lisa Kleypas. It is impossible for me to read an historical romance by any other author without in some way comparing it to LK's work. Which is admittedly unfair. But even with the huge shadow of Lisa Kleypas hanging over ever other historical novel that I read, I still ended up really enjoying this book.
The Good: I loved the Bridgerton family. Sometimes a big wacky, family can come off as more than a little over the top and silly. But, JQ made the family likable and believable, which was really nice. I also LOVED Simon, even though some of the things he did made me want to throttle him. And the love scenes, while not nearly as steamy as some by Kleypas, were still very well done.
The Not So Good: I found that the story dragged a little about half way through until picking back up towards the end. Also, some of the situations were fairly predictable, but in the end it didn't really matter since I was still interested in the story.
All in all, an enjoyable, quick read.
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