My rating: 2 of 5 stars

2 - 2.5 stars.
Definitely not my favorite KA book.
I found myself skimming sections of the book towards the end just so i could finish it, which is something i rarely do with KA.
While i grew to really like Hop, Lanie on the other hand is hands down one of the most frustrating and unlikable of KA's leading ladies. There were several times....SEVERAL....when i was so annoyed by her behavior or by something she said, that it took all i had not to slam my Kindle into a wall.
I am not a fan of needless angst, and there was a truckload of it here. If there was even the slightest opportunity for Lanie to overreact to something, she ran with it. Talk about a drama queen! I can't believe that Hop put up with as much of her drama as he did.

This might sound harsh, especially considering i usually love how long and detailed KA's books are, but I truly feel like she could have edited out a good 100-150 pages. The majority of this book felt like filler, to be honest. Nothing really happened....except for Lanie to find more and more ways to act like a selfish, spoiled brat. I get that she lived through a horrible experience. But she used that incident as a crutch to play with Hop's emotions. Not cool in my book.

I absolutely loved the first book in this series, Own the Wind, but this was a huge letdown for me.